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Love, Lili & John

October 20, 2020

Post Category

Every once in a great while we go on vacation! One night late, late, laaaate into the wee hours, I was internetting because what else does one do in the netherhours? It was then I discovered there are WILD HORSES in Virginia. With this knowledge I could not be stopped. Off we went. We rented […]

Ponies, Ponies, Ponies – Grayson Highlands State Park, Virginia

October 20, 2020

Post Category

Every once in a great while we go on vacation! One night late, late, laaaate into the wee hours, I was internetting because what else does one do in the netherhours? It was then I discovered there are WILD HORSES in Virginia. With this knowledge I could not be stopped. Off we went. We rented […]

Ponies, Ponies, Ponies – Grayson Highlands State Park, Virginia

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